Getting started This guide highlights resources and useful websites for your course. Please ask staff in the centres or email if you would like further information. Click on the section title to see more information on the
Subject Guides . Access to Biochemistry Access to Dietetics Access to Humanities Access to Medicine Access to Nursing Access to Paramedic Science & Healthcare Access to Podiatry Access to Radiography Access to Science, Technology & Mathematics Access
. Webinars & Tutorials In 2024-25, the Library team will be running a series of webinars introducing you to online resources and other aspects of Library Services, and giving you a chance to meet Library staff and ask any questions you may have. We'l
HCCLD Subject Guides Access to Chemical and Biological Sciences Access Dietetics Access to Medical Studies Access to Nursing Degree Access to Opthalmics Access to Podiatry Access Radiography Beauty Care Beauty Care and Makeup Care Care and Administra
BCI Subject Guides Access to Humanities Acting and Performance Business Dance Fashion Business Hospitality Jewellery Music Business Musical Theatre Photography Professional Cookery Sound Production TV Production
ECS Subject Guides Access to Chemical and Biological Sciences Access Dietetics Access to Engineering Access to Medical Studies Access to Nursing Degree Access to Opthalmics Access to Podiatry Access Radiography Access to Science, Technology and Mathe